Collection: Hoop Slang

Are you a baller looking to up your game on the court? Well, you've come to the right place! Today, we're diving into the world of basketball slang with 6 terms that every hooper should have in their vocabulary. So, grab your kicks and let's get started!


First up, we have the term "bunny." No, we're not talking about the fluffy little creatures hopping around in the forest. In basketball lingo, a bunny refers to an easy, close-range shot that should be a guaranteed bucket. So, next time you're near the hoop, go for that bunny and score some easy points!

And One

Ever hear someone shout "and one!" after sinking a shot? Well, that's because they made the basket and got fouled in the process. An and one is when a player scores a basket despite being fouled, and then gets the opportunity to shoot a free throw for a bonus point. Talk about a sweet deal!


When someone says "buckets," they're not talking about a pail of water. In basketball terms, a bucket simply refers to scoring a basket. So, if you hear someone yell "buckets" after sinking a shot, you know they're feeling good about their scoring abilities.


Uh-oh, did you just brick that shot? In basketball slang, a brick is a term used to describe a missed shot that hits the rim or backboard hard and bounces off. It's not the prettiest sight on the court, but hey, even the best players brick a shot every now and then.


Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? In basketball, when someone gets their cookies taken, it means they got the ball stolen from them by an opponent. So, if you're a defensive powerhouse, get ready to swipe some cookies and make some fast breaks!


If someone's got handles, they're not talking about carrying groceries. Handles in basketball lingo refer to a player's dribbling skills. So, if you see a player with some sick handles, you better watch out because they can maneuver around defenders like a pro.

And there you have it, 6 basketball terms that every hooper should know. So, next time you hit the court, make sure to drop some of these slang terms and impress your teammates with your basketball knowledge. Keep ballin' and remember, it's all about having fun on the court!